Tuesday 25 June 2013


 "This was originally written as a post on my Facebook for the violence against women and children One Billion Rising Campaign"

I am pleading to my fellow MEN..the MALE folk I know and to those I don't know..you who is reading this you my brother, my cousin, my uncle, my brother in law, my dear friend, (and the male stranger I will never know) you are not just my Facebook contacts, you are more than that!!!!!

You are the reason I call myself blessed please do whatever you can as a man to RISE against rape and other violence to women, share photos whatever you can that can make the message go across. We need you, the women of this world need you.!We plead with you to lead by example to show other men what it means to be a real man.#meditate

A real man does not take away rights from another human being, a real man does not use force on the physically weak, A real man stands against injustice, a real man will rise because the victim could be their daughter, sister, mother, aunt , grandmother or friend...Think about it.

You all hear the stomach turning headlines everyday, should we accept violence against women as a normal part of life? One thing for sure your actions as men regarding this will go a long way in speaking louder!!!! for many times when women rise it is dismissed as well "just another of women's mindless rantings"....perhaps if fellow men join in and say NO then the world will know its a serious matter, because it is.

In the recent issue of Ms Anene Booysen ( who was raped, tortured,ripped open, disemboweled and later died) , many male voices said why was she coming from a Tavern at night? Some reasoned saying "maybe she was wearing a mini - skirt", some said she that she was drunk so she gave in BUT what of the granny's who are raped in the "comfort" of their homes by intruders? What of those many women who were
raped on their way coming from church/mosque/synagogue/temple wearing decent clothing, that 10 year old girl who was on her way home from school and was sidelined by a stranger who raped, tortured and left her for dead? What of the molested 5 year old's were they also coming from Taverns when it happended? How about the toddler who was was raped by her uncle was she also sexually appealing to the perpetrator perhaps in the diapers she was wearing?...Why am I bringing this out..THERE IS NO EXCUSE OR JUSTIFICATION WHATSOEVER FOR RAPE.

I plead with you Men...help the women to Rise against this evil.

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